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作为东南亚地区光电领域的顶级盛会, 将于2025年2月26-28日举办的APE亚洲光电博览会,聚焦于光通信、精密光学、激光、红外、智能传感、量子和新型显示等光电行业的前沿创新科技和新兴应用市场。展会现场将汇聚来自新加坡、欧洲、德国、韩国、日本、中国等国家和地区的展馆,并特设量子科技、智能传感、真空镀膜等专业技术展区,展示从芯片、组件到制造设备的最新技术和解决方案。立即加入我们,现在报名还能参与抽奖活动,有机会赢取新加坡豪华酒店两晚住宿!
2025年2月26日 13:30-17:00
合办机构:ICV TA&K
IU, Cheng Wei, Professor, NUS, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gao Weibo, Professor, NTU, QUASAR, EEE&SPMS
Huck Yang, Research scientist, NVIDIA Research
Chris Zou, Partner, Senior Technology & Market Analyst, ICV
Jie (Roger) Luo, President and Co-Founder, Anyon Technology
Di (Prof) Zhu, Harvard, CQT, Singapore and Studied under Marko Loncar
Georgios Korpas, Senior research scientist, HSBC Labs
Jun Ye, Director at A*STAR, Quantum Innovation Centre(Q.Inc)
2025年2月26日 13:00-16:00
Qian Kemao, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University.
Arthur Wang, Product Manager, SinceVision
James Zhan, President, Quantum Infrared
Chen Jung Tsai, Chief Director, IoT Sensing and AI Technologies, ASTRI
2025年2月27日 9:00-17:00
Radha Nagarajan, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Cloud Optics Group Marvell
Haisheng Rong, Senior Principal Scientist Intel
Sanghoon Chae, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Guangwei Hu, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Louis Martin-Monier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jia Lianxi, Director, LightIC Technologies
Diana Mojahed, Founder & CEO , Lightfinder
Ramana Pamidighantam, CTO & Co-Founder, LightSpeed Photonics
Sajay B G, Institute of Microelectronics, A*STAR
Dawn Tan, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Akira Ueno, Principal Researcher, AGC
Wang Qian, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR
Guanya Zhou, National University of Singapore
2025年2月27日 10:00-12:00
Yossapong Laoonual, Assistant to the President for Sustainability at KMUTT and Honorary Chairman of EVAT
Fushuai Liu, Marketing and business development manager, Raytron Microelectronics
2025年2月28日 9:00-12:00
Yeo Yee Chia, Deputy Chief Executive (Innovation & Enterprise), A*STAR Executive Director, National Semiconductor Translation & Innovation Center (NSTIC)
Ramon Jose Paniagua Dominguez, Principal Scientist, National Semiconductor Translation & Innovation Center (NSTIC)
Aloysius Chua, Projects Director, MetaOptics Technologies
Qiu Chengwei, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS
Lim Leh Woon, Senior Scientist, National Semiconductor Translation & Innovation Center (NSTIC)
Victor Li Dongdong, Lead Scientist, Delta Electronics Int’l (Singapore)
Brian Sia, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, NTU
2025年2月28日 13:00-16:00
Wee Seng Ang,Executive Director of Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
Peter van Arkel, Chief Technology Officer at PhotonDelta
Dr Ramon Jagadish CV, CEO of Advanced Micro Foundry Pte Ltd
Yu Qing Jiao Professor, Photonic Integration Group at University of Eindhoven