< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://px.ads.linkedin.com/collect/?pid=5123436&fmt=gif" /> Asia Photonics Expo (APE) -Invitation Letter for VISA Application

Letter for Visa Application

Invitation Letter Application

Most foreigners are required to hold a valid passport and have a visa issued before entering Singapore. It is traveller's responsibility to obtain a visa before departure. Please check with your consulate or embassy in your home country timely in advance for timely processing. Travellers without the necessary documents will not be permitted to enter Singapore. Visas will not be issued upon arrival in Singapore.


Please provide information as listed below for all guests who need an invitation letter to support their application for a visa. Accurate information is essential.




1. Please remember that all applicants' passports must be valid for at least SIX MONTHS beyond the intended date to enter Singapore.
2. Please note that we cannot provide an official invitation letter issued by Singapore government or another related agency.
3. Please note that all applicants should inquire with local Singapore embassy for latest VISA application process.

I Am *
Pre-register Barcode Number

For visitors, please pre-register first then put in your pre-register barcode number here.

Company *

Job Title *

Salutation *
First Name *

Last Name *

Date Of Birth *

Place Of Bith *

Passport Number *

Date Of Issue *

Date Of Expiry *

Place Of Issue *

Street / PO Box

Postal Code / City

Country *

Nationality *



E-Mail *